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a hint about my brain

Well it's now a real live blog (well might be ;) )

Monday, September 04, 2006

Sandcastles, Carnivale and Creaming Jesus

Bermuda had a sandcastle competition, well sand sculpture really. Here are some photos from some of the better ones, and also one really big one by a professional team.

After wandering up and down the beach looking at these we ended up at the newer Swizzle Inn down the Southampton End of the island. It wasn't as good as the older Swizzle but still a nice meal.

As it's been raining all day yesterday and today I've finally got round to watching Carnivale (I got the season 1 box set for Christmas) I'm kinda of glad that they stopped after the second series (which I haven't seen yet, it's on it's way) as I then know it's got an end. The first season was really good. As with most of the TV shows I like, there is a narative (arc) to the whole thing.

After getting hold of Dan's recommendation Early Day Miners' Offshore I while ago I had forgotten about it (it was left on my laptop and never moved to the desktop) well finally remembered it and it's playing now. Despressing music I love it ;)

On a slightly more Goth/Punk shouty mad people note. I appear (according to Last.fm) to be Creaming Jesus' biggest fan :)


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