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a hint about my brain

Well it's now a real live blog (well might be ;) )

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Suzanne Vega and Batman

Had a fun few days.

Saw Suzanne Vega at Basingstoke Anvil on thursday. It was a really good gig, the support was Female singer/songwriter (yep that wasn't going to happen was it ;) ) called Nerina Pallot. It would be far too easy to say she was a cross between Tori Amos (mad hippy woman on a piano) and Alanis Morissestte (mad shouty woman on guitar). She was actually better than that description but there is bit of common ground, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The gig was just her and her (very big) grand piano, and an acoustic guitar. It was a bit odd listening to her album afterwards (she was selling them and signing them which was very nice) as the songs all had a full band and I preferred them with just her but hey what do I know :)

The main event was Suzanne Vega and she was just with a bass player. One thing I had forgotten about her, and it doesn't really come across in either of any photos of her, or her website, is how funny she is. I remember when I saw her in either Brighton or Albert Hall in the '80s she told a story about her being a kid and getting mixed up about the nick-nack paddy wack song, thinking it was about a snowman not an Old Man. (Yep it was a lot funnier when she told it and as I can't remember when or where the gig was it wouldn't surprise me if I forgot something about this too.)

As Suzanne was without band, this meant that some song she couldn't do. But all the best ones were there (apart from Solitude Standing which is one of my favorites) Luka, Marlane on the Wall, Undertow, Blood makes noise, Tom's Diner, Gypsy, In Liverpool, Queen and the Soldier, Small Blue thing, I never be your Maggie May, Caramel. She also did some new ones (and in fact one that wasn't finished and also didn't have any music). All the way through she was joking with the audience and talking about what the songs meant.

One of the things that I'm always impressed with about creative people (and I'm using Miss Vega as an example) stuff they do when they are young is still as affecting and valid 20 years later. Gypsy was written when she was 18. I cringe when I think of me at 18.

Anyway a really cool, and great gig.

Saw Batman Begins yesterday. Best Batman film so far. However Bale's Batman still isn't perfect, but I'm not sure any person's could be. It just ends up with someone growling in a deep voice at people. The bits without Batman in, were the best of the film. Really liked the way they said the first four films didn't happen with the reference at the end. (Won't say what it is as you may not of seen it yet, it's not huge but nice and hopefully will lead into the next film)